Monday, 12 July 2010

Wedding Flowers

Goodness, aren't flowers an expensive wedding item these days? Lovely to have a splash of colour, but they die so quickly and are soon resting in memory: how much better to add your colour with some Bespoke Bunting, handmade to order to match your dress or theme, however creative and unusual it may be. Zigzag is here to help!

We were delighted that Wedding and Wedding Flowers Magazine turned to us for Bepsoke Bunting to match this beautiful colour scheme, and I hope you will agree that we followed the brief perfectly. The bride now has a gorgeous swag of bunting that will last forever and can decorate her home or her festivities for years to come. Truly made to treasure.

1 comment:

John and Yvonne said...

Well done Kim! Great to see Zig Zag Bunting so well displayed in the magazine - and also a perfect memento of the Happy Day. x